
Review6 3IDIOT

I watched 3IDIOT, because this movie is recommended to my friend. This movie is very famous Indian movie. This movie is praised highly by many people such as Spielberg and Brad Pitt. This movie is trio’s story. Trio is Ranchor who is a genius and has freedom, Raje who is timid, and Phalle Hahn who wants to become a photographer. These three people are excellent Indian engineering college students. Rannchor is nonconformist at school. These three people like mischief. They renewed the manuscript of a speech of the classmate and stole into the house of the principal and took urine. However, they cherish their friends very much. They helped a friend at the expense of themselves. They helped the grandchild of the principal and father of the friend using wisdom. This movie is about the suicide of the Indian student. The education of India is severe. I thereby understood that many students committed suicide from this movie. Raje receives an expulsion from school, and attempted suicide. Ranchor and many people nursed Raje hard. The scene where three people who graduated from university met again impressed me very much. When I understood that he was a famous inventor, I was surprised very much. He left many wise remarks in this movie. He can learn the study anywhere. Aim at learning not success in life. He is a free human. However, consideration is possible very much. He was a very tender human. I learned a lot of thing from this movie. It is interesting for me to watch this movie. To watch this movie, I am interested in Indian movies. I watched an Indian movie for the first time. It was different from a familiar movie. This movie which had three hours was very interesting. I want to recommend it to a friend.


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